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“The only obstacle between us and our goals is us”

How many things in your life do you want to change?

Dear Diary

All those plans in life. A thousand things we want to do but ...... we never do.

We want to buy a better car, a house, those beautiful shoes, a boat.

Book that cruise to the Bahamas or better, go to Europe.

Lose 50 pounds, get in shape.

Change job, get something better, more money.

I wish I had more time for the kids. Better sex, going out more with my couple. I want to learn guitar, do something different.

I am bored. My life is just the same day after day, over and over again.

I need to sleep more, drink and eat less. I want more than an eventual laugh,

I want happiness, wake up with energy, willing to go to work.

I am tired of doing always the same, sometimes I ask myself: why? All this shit for what?

I want to feel energized, to feel what I do is worth. I want to wake up willing to do what I do

I want satisfaction, the real one; feel fulfilled.

But how, I try over and over and nothing happens. Every day is kind of the same, I try but then I quit and I don’t know why.

How many times have you tried to change? 1? 5? 20?

I am not talking about a big, radical change, no; something relatively simple.

Like when we have to get dress to go out. The pants doesn’t fit, there is belly everywhere. You look at the mirror and you say to yourself:

Fuck, that's it:

tomorrow I will diet and go to the gym !!!!

Well, it doesn’t happen. The same scene repeat over and over again. One day becomes a week and then a year.




Because we don’t do anything until our self, us deep inside, is convinced that we want that. It is a matter of motivation.

Even if we don't want to change, there is always something changing, threatening our "peace of mind". Change is always happening whether we want it or not.

It is so common we don't realize what's going on around us

Why do I want to lose weight? Is it just because of the mirror? Is it because of life or death? Is because of love or sex? Is it because she said so?

Nothing gets done unless we are really convinced and want that to be done.

MOTIVATION has to be STRONG and come from WITHIN.

“The only obstacle between us and our goals is us”

We can do it but, we don’t know it. Many times it is just a matter of getting some SUPPORT, a coach to help us understand the answers to the following questions: Am I satisfied with my life as it is now? Why? What do I really want and need to feel better? How can I get there?

Most of the time we don’t even realize that we are not satisfied, something is missing or Misplaced. Obviously there is no way to be happy and feel good if we don’t even know that something is not working.

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