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A better life is possible

These days, many people are forced to work in low paying jobs just because their life circumstances didn’t allow them to prepare for a better job. Decent jobs but the pay is so bad that doesn’t allow to have a decent life.

Here is an excerpt from an article published by Patrick Gillespie back in February 2015 for CNN Money:

The Real Economy

15 million workers still earn under $10 an hour

by Patrick Gillespie @CNNMoney

February 23, 2015: 2:54 PM ET

"Many are saying "Hallelujah" and "finally" to news that Walmart is raising wages. Target and other major retailers are feeling pressure to do the same.

Walmart (WMT), America's biggest employer, announced Thursday that it would raise wages for its employees to $9 an hour in April and $10 by February 2016. It will impact about half a million workers.

But experts say the Walmart raise won't be much of a game changer for America's working class.

Fifteen million Americans are still stuck in the low wage range between $7.25 and $10 according to the Economic Policy Institute. "

(end of reference)

18 million jobs paying less than $10 an hour !!!

Let’s say a $8 an hour job, 6 days a week means $1,664 per month, $19,968 per year without deductions. Barely enough to sustain one person’s life but, with a kid or two? No way !.

The worker may have another work but that will be 16 hours a day. There won’t be time for the family, for love, to rest, to have “me” time.

It is definitively a situation that is far from good since not having enough economic means to live is a serious handicap to have a Satisfied Life.

Once you have one or two kids, debt and having to work over 12 hours a day makes almost impossible to study and get prepared for better jobs that will lead to better income hence improving the quality of life.

There are two aspects that are particularly concerning:

1- The Me time which is fundamental to feel satisfied with our body, spirit, rest enough, enjoy distractions and relax, be healthy.

2- The Family Time which is fundamental to have a solidly built society.

People deserve time to take care of themselves, go to the movies, workout, watch TV, dance, listen to music. Kids need their parents, a husband needs his wife, a girlfriend needs her friends.

Now, it should be clear that the way to a better life won't come from the Government raising minimum salaries to $15 an hour, that won't happen. The only way is TO IMPROVE SKILLS and then, apply for better JOBS.

On the other hand, thinking about leaving work to just study is practically absurd. Most good Associate Degrees require full dedication because they are too complex.

The solution is to improve skills progressively. Baby Steps. For instance, learn some Computer skills, Productivity Software like MS Word, to organize archives or take a short term training that will allow you to move from the red area in the next figure to green.

It is not only about getting more money, it is about the Quality of the Work you do. Think about standing 8 hours as a cashier to being sitting as Office Assistant. Your legs won't hurt, your back will be OK and you will have a more relaxed life. Then think about taking another step. Look into the county information (see Broward County, Florida as example) high demand jobs to define your career path, make a Plan.

The worst thing anyone can do is POSTPONE. Do it now, a year or two go by fast and your life could be so much different if you pull together a Plan and resiliently do it.

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